Teaching students how to add fractions has so many parts to it. It’s like a clock with all the cogs turning, and for some kids the cogs can get a little messed up. One way to make sure students are ready and have a solid foundation with fractions is by giving them a lot of practice each step of the way. They need to see fractions many times and they need to feel comfortable during the practice. For some kids, their math ego is pretty fragile. That’s why I like to use games. When kids play games they’re more likely to be okay with making mistakes. This post has ten awesome games and activities to get students the practice they need finding the least common denominator. [Read more…] about 10 Activities to Practice Finding the Common Denominator Like a Boss
10 Awesome Activities for Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Like Denominators
Fractions seem to get a lot of bad press. So many students get turned off by fractions and think that they aren’t good at fractions. I’m not exactly sure why this happens, but I know that if we give kids more positive experiences with fractions that we can change this. In my classroom we use a lot of games when we’re practicing and I find that students get really engaged when something is presented as a game. This works especially well with topics like adding and subtracting fractions. So, I’m super excited to share with you 10 awesome games and activities to help students become pro at adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators. [Read more…] about 10 Awesome Activities for Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Like Denominators