Are you just getting started with math Interactive Notebooks in your classroom?
Or, do you want to step up your game with interactive notebooks?
Today I want to share with you a great, step by step guide to help you either get started with or sharpen up how you use interactive notebooks in your math classroom.
This free mini-course comes right to your email inbox. Plus, it’s packed full of classroom tested tips and tricks for using interactive notebooks that will save you so much time throughout the whole school year.
Math interactive notebooks have been transformative in my classroom. I remember when I first started seeing the pictures on Pinterest. I thought that these notebooks looked great, and the foldables and graphic organizers I started seeing pop up in my feed intrigued me. But, unsure of how to get started, I started a deep study. I read every blog post I could find. Then, I built a Pinterest board and collected all the pictures I could grab. Overall, I spent hours and hours studying and learning all the different ways other teachers used interactive notebooks.
Finally, I decided to just jump in and see what all the hoopla was about. I got composition notebooks and some graphic organizers and used my summer school students as guinea pigs. By the end of that session, I was hooked. Since that day, I’ve used INBs and foldables for every unit I’ve taught.
Why Math Interactive Notebooks?
I’ve been using math interactive notebooks (INBs) in my classroom for the past few years, and working with other teachers as they, too, implement them. And I’m convinced that teaching with INBs has helped me be a better teacher. Here’s a few of the ways they’ve helped make my classroom better:
- INBs have helped me to plan better. They’ve been a reminder to use graphic organizers to really chunk out and explain step by step what students need to know.
- Students take more ownership of their notes. They have one place where they keep all their notes, and they refer back to them regularly.
- Using foldables builds in scaffolding for students. It helps me provide students with the additional support they need.
- INBs provide a hands-on experience for students. There’s a reason why they’re called *interactive* notes. INB’s keep students far more engaged in the note-taking process.
- Clear, consistent expectations. My students know exactly where to capture their math learning, and they know exactly what they need to record. INBs help keep us all on the same page.
Why this Epic Mini-Course?
Reflecting on the past few years with INBs in my classroom, and the evolution they’ve undergone, I want to help other teachers get off on the right foot with their INBs. So, Theresa and I have put together all the tips, tricks, and hacks we’ve picked up through the years to help other teachers who want to implement or improve interactive notebooks in their math classroom.
We’ve compiled all this information into a FREE mini-course delivered right to your email inbox. In five action packed lessons, you’ll learn tips and tricks to help you get the most out of interactive notebooks. In the end, you’ll have a blueprint for success, saving you countless time during the rest of the school year.
What’s in the Math Interactive Notebook Mini-Course?
Here’s the five topics we’ll explore:
- Setting up the INB
- Unit Planning with INBs
- Modeling
- Routines, Routines, Routines
- INB Hacks, Tips & Tricks

In Day 1, you’ll see different options to consider when setting up your INB. I’ll walk you through how to use the most accessible parts of the notebook (i.e. the front cover, first pages, and back cover) to meet the unique needs of your class. By the end of the lesson, you’ll have a plan for setting up and organizing your INB.
Day 2 you’ll dig into unit planning. You’ll examine different options and decide how you’ll maximize your INB to create the ultimate reference for your students.
Day 3 walks through how to model with INBs. I’ll show you how I eliminate the guesswork for students and make sure we’re all on the same page, literally and figuratively. If you’re new to INBs, this step often doesn’t get the attention that it needs. But it is, in my opinion, the single most important step to making your INB implementation successful.
Day 4 you’ll think through the classroom routines and procedures that will quickly get INBs working smoothly in your classroom. Before you know it, your class will feel like it runs itself.
Day 5 wraps up the mini-course with classroom tested INB hacks. By this point, you’ll have a customized blueprint and a clear picture of what you’re going to do to start, or improve, INBs in your classroom.
How to get started today:
This free mini-course will help you either start or refine using math interactive notebooks in your own classroom. Sign up today and get started by following the link below:
Click here to get your FREE Mini-Course
Once you confirm your email, you’ll get the first lesson right in your inbox. Then, every other day you’ll get the next lesson, full of guidelines and ideas to walk through and plan out your math interactive notebooks.
We can’t wait to see you there!
Thanks for reading! Until next time.