Every year a new set of students enter your classroom. From day one you have the opportunity to get to know them. One of the biggest responsibilities of being a teacher is finding out who your students are and figuring out how to help them. But how exactly can we do that from day one?
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10 Decimal Operations Activities Your Students Will Love!
I get very excited when I see decimal units in my scope and sequence! I’ve seen so many students gain confidence in math when we begin working with decimals. Lots of kids think math is going to be harder when a decimal point shows up. As long as your class has a strong foundation in adding, subtracting, multiplying, and division, everyone is going to have a great time in math!
[Read more…] about 10 Decimal Operations Activities Your Students Will Love!10 Long Division Activities to Make Practice a Breeze
When I think of long division, I instantly hear “Uggghhhhhhh” inside my head. Have you experienced this before? If not, I really envy you! I love teaching long division because once students master the sequence you can see so many lightbulbs turning on in your classroom.
[Read more…] about 10 Long Division Activities to Make Practice a Breeze6 Simple Sponge Activities for the Math Classroom
There’s nothing worse than having 30 eyes expectantly staring at you, but you have no idea what you’re going to do. Have you ever been there? Maybe it was an unannounced fire drill that you just returned from, leaving too little time to start your planned lesson. Or maybe students found a concept easier than expected, and have flown through the work you’d carefully set up for the day. While we may not know exactly when we’ll need a sponge activity, these unexpected bits of time are inevitable.
Taking just a few minutes to plan ahead with a few simple sponge activities saves time in the moment, and eliminates the panicked feeling of “oh no! What do we do now?”
[Read more…] about 6 Simple Sponge Activities for the Math Classroom11 Activities for the Last Week of School in Your Math Classroom
The end of the school year is a special time. It’s all about getting closure to the year that your students have spent at your school. It’s just as important at the end of the year to provide closure to the year as it was to build relationships at the beginning of the year. The good news is you can find many ways to finish off the school year in ways that give students that closure, but also maintain your sanity! In my opinion these types of activities aren’t fluff. They really help students feel safe during this transition period of the last week of school. So, let’s dig into some simple, engaging ways to close out the school year in the math classroom.
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