Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators is a basic skill that students will use in math for a long time. When they get to 7th and 8th grade they have to remember how to do this in the context when they’re solving other types of problems including equations. I notice that some students just need a little reminder of how to add and subtract fractions, while other students don’t seem to remember what to do at all. [Read more…] about 14 Ways to Practice Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators
9 How Many Solutions Activities
In 8th grade math when we introduce the concept of how many solutions there can be to a system of equations, it pretty much blows students minds. They get so used to everything having one right answer and it being one number. But when we start talking about the different number of solutions, now they have to identify how many answers it may have, and some of them fight against that idea. In our scope and sequence we introduce this topic when we learn about solving multi-step equations that have a variable on both sides because you can have infinite solutions or no solutions in these cases. We teach it again later in the year when we get to solving systems of equations. Check out these nine activities sure to help students understand and find how many solutions exist in a system of equations. [Read more…] about 9 How Many Solutions Activities
15 Systems of Equations Activities For Your Classroom
If systems of equations were a person, it would probably be my arch nemesis. I’ve struggled to find ways to get students to understand what systems of equations represents and then for them to solve using different methods. My first year teaching it I remember just trying to teach my math lab kids one way to do it so that they could “survive” the end of unit test. Man, do I wish I could have those students back and have a second chance to teach them systems of equations.
Now, not only do I have more tricks up my sleeve for teaching students to solve systems of equations, I also have found so many fun systems of equations activities that help students really understand how to solve with different strategies. So check out these 15 systems of equations activities that will help students understand and practice finding the solution to two linear equations. [Read more…] about 15 Systems of Equations Activities For Your Classroom
11 Graphing Activities for Solving Systems of Linear Equations
So much of what we teach in 8th grade math seems to be preparing our students to solve systems of linear equations. Understanding what a linear equation represents in its many forms helps students to see what they are doing with a system of equations. Graphing a system of equations shows students the most visual representation. It also lends itself to using real life situations, so that students can put it into context.
To help you save time planning your systems of equations unit, I’m sharing with you 11 activities that help students understand how to solve systems of equations with graphing. [Read more…] about 11 Graphing Activities for Solving Systems of Linear Equations
Math Review Game Strategy that Works: Pick a Card
When I was a kid I loved watching the game show The Price is Right. I’ve always been intrigued with money and I love the probability aspect to the games on that show. So, now when my kids look a little lethargic or bored I like to add a Price is Right style game to the mix. One game I use is called Pick a Card. It’s an easy way to spice up math practice with virtually no prep. [Read more…] about Math Review Game Strategy that Works: Pick a Card